Leasing Achievement of the Year


Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.

Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.

This award recognises the property agencies in Ireland that have carried out exceptional achievements in the world of property leasing over the past 12 months.

If your agency has a specific leashing achievement which demonstrates innovation, client-centricity, and, above all, a dedication to excellence in the world of leasing, then tell our judges and you might just pick up a much deserved award for your accomplishment.

Entry is by a 5-page A4 PDF submission; the judges will be looking for clear information backed up by facts that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Overview: Provide an overview of the specific leasing achievement, e.g., the property involved, the parties, the lease terms, and any unique or innovative aspects of the transaction. Please also highlight your agency's reputation and leadership within the property and facility management industry.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Please highlight any innovative and creative approaches or strategies used to secure the lease. Explain how you went beyond traditional leasing methods to achieve success.
  • Challenges: Describe any significant challenges or obstacles encountered during the leasing process and how you successfully overcame them. Highlight your agency's problem-solving skills and adaptability.
  • Lease Impact and Achievements: Please discuss the holistic impact of the property lease, encompassing financial gains, market influence, and any other relevant achievements or contributions to the industry or community.
  • Client Satisfaction: Highlight client satisfaction and feedback related to the leasing achievement. Please include testimonials or references from the client, if possible.
  • Other facts & statements: Include any other facts or statements that you feel are relevant to support the entry.